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Mozambique Trophy Leopard Hunt with Hounds $39,000.00
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This is an incredible hunt that should be on everyone's bucket list. Have the opportunity to chase trophy tom leopards over hounds. This is a TRUE FREE RANGE hunt. You will hike and hunt after hounds in the wilderness of Mozambique. This is a 14 day 1:1 fully guided hunt. On average you will tree 2-3 leopards. This outfitter will not allow for females or young immature males to be taken. This outfitter works closely with conservation efforts to target only the large males. While there is no snow on the ground, this experienced outfitter will only release the dogs after tracks from a mature male are found and unmistakable. Dogs will not be released on cold trails. There are several different conservancies. Some allow for less physically able to hunt, while some are much more challenging physically in the mountains of Mozambique. Fully inclusive plus trophy fee. Excludes International and Domestic flights, pre/post-hotel accommodation, firearm temporary import license, staff gratuities, dip/pack and trophy freight/transport. One adult male Leopard is harvested during the course of a traditional 14-day safari.
- Species: Leopard
- Average Classification: 15 - 16
- Shot Opportunity: 80
- Weapons: Rifle, Archery
- Hunt Catalog #: RB18793-01
- Tag Availability: Landowner Voucher
Only trophy males will be taken on this hunt. Females and immature males cannot be taken. Average size skulls are 15"-16" SCI
A .375 rifle with open sites is recommended for this hunt. There are laws restricting to the use of certain calibers for this hunt. Shots taken can be as far as 50 yards. If hunter would prefer to use a scoped gun, a power of no more of 1-4 is recommended. Ammunition recommended is any jacket with a soft point. A .300 grain bullet or lighter is recommended.
If archery hunting, bow hunter must make sure they have a 250 grain arrow at the very least to make sure they can punch through bush if needed.
Blue Duiker
Chobe Bushbuck
Grey Duiker
Lichtenstein Haretebeest
Livingston Eland
Livingstone Suni
Niassa Wildebeest
Red Duiker
Spotted Hyena
Yellow Baboon
Available Dates
May 15, 2022 - November 30, 2027
- Member Price: $35,000.00
- Non-Member Price: $39,000.00
Group Options
Option to add several species to the hunt. Option for a non-hunter.
Northwestern, Mozambique, Mozambique
Refund Policy:
Deposits are not refundable. When you make a deposit or payment that money is used to reserve your adventure dates and we cannot sell them to anyone else. If for some reason you have to cancel, you will lose your deposit and any payments you have made. If you are concerned that you might get sick or otherwise have to cancel, we suggest buying trip insurance. There are insurance companies that specialize in providing insurance policies for outfitter bookings and hunts. One such company we recommend is globalrescue.com. It is also our policy, depending on the adventure you booked and at our discretion, that if you have to cancel and we are able to book a replacement for you at the regular price we will work with you to apply your deposits to another adventure. Please note that we cannot refund or roll state or government license fees, application fees, draw results, or tags.
These hunts are selectively conducted in the untamed free range African wilderness. This outfitter operates in numerous Government conservancies plus several private properties, predominantly in the country Mozambique. They are constantly sourcing prime leopard habitat, they range the vast area between the powerful Zambezi river and her substantial tributaries and deltas South to the renowned Limpopo river, famous for her huge Leopard. The many ancient mountain ranges that direct these epic river courses form pristine habitat for the African Leopard and constantly produce good cats for the determined sportsman. All the areas the outfitter task their skills to are expansive wilderness blocks accounting for hundreds of thousands of unfenced, sustainably used acres. Free roaming Elephant, Lion and Buffalo contribute to the old-style atmosphere of our traditional African safari. Camps are resourcefully constructed from available materials and purposefully shy from the 5-star luxury of the modern photo-safari industry. The outfitter engages avidly in hunting Africa on foot by means of tracking, pursuing and selectively harvesting mature animals only. Hunting Safaris are the prime income generator in all our areas where anti-poaching, scientific study and calculated game management are the only artillery for preserving the natural environment and her wild inhabitants. This, the most authentic conservation model, is the playing field on which we pursue the cunning Leopard - the most elusive of African dangerous game. The most observed solitary big cat comprehensively also enjoys the widest range of Africa’s big cats and hunting prospects are available across most of the Southern African countries. Realistic body weights of male leopards range from 60 kg / 132lbs to 85kg / 188lbs however in rare instances a brute is encountered that can tip the scales. This is an incredible 14 day hunt for free range hunt for a trophy leopard.
HuntX Scale (Low 1 - 5 High)
- Lodging & Accommodations: Cabin/Lodge?
Lodging & Accommodations Scale
5 - Cabin/Lodge
4 - Bunk House/Trailer
3 - Wall Tent
2 - Backpack Tent
1 - Client Provided/Hotel
Lodging for this hunt will depend on what conservancy the hunt is booked into and where cats are to be known. Some lodging maybe in mud or stone huts, wall tents, or even backpacking tents. Hunter must be flexible and ready to stay in backpacking type accommodations for the hunt in pursuit of trophy cats.
- Menu & Food: Full Kitchen?
Menu & Food Scale
5 - 5 Star Catered
4 - Full Kitchen
3 - Field Kitchen
2 - Backpack Food
1 - Client Provided
This is a fully guided hunt and outfitter will supply all meals. Often game animals can be added as an option add on and meat will be cooked for meals. Traditional african meals will be provided. A lot of meat and local vegetables will be served.
- Physical Conditions: Moderate Hiking?
Physical Conditions Scale:
5 - All Vehicle Access
4 - Light Hiking
3 - Moderate Hiking
2 - Heavy Hiking
1 - Extreme Back Country
There are several concessions where leopards can be hunted. Based on the hunters ability, different areas can be used. This is a spot and stalk, fair chase hunt. In some circumstances bait can be used, but most hunts will be fair chase. Hunter will need to be prepared for moderate hiking after hounds are released. This is not a fenced hunt and the hunter will need to be prepared to hike in the Mozambique river bottoms and jungles in pursuit of hounds.
Transportation (To/From Basecamp)
Flights will be booked into Johannesburg, South Africa. A connecting flight will need to be arranged into Beira or Tete, Mozambique. Outfitter will help organize flights appropriate depending on the conservancy that will be hunted. Outfitter will pick up "hunter" after arriving in Mozambique. All field transportation will be provided.
- Lodging & Accommodations
- Menu & Food
- Physical Conditions
Hunter will need to be prepared to be hiking in unfenced wild African wilderness. Hunts may take place at night as leopards are much more active. Crepuscular behavior, defined as primarily active during twilight best describes the Leopards heightened periods of activity, although a stricter nocturnal movement is more commonly adopted in areas of greater persecution. This adds to the challenging nature of hunting the big cat as sign and scent is often aged by the time daylight permits effective tracking. Weather can be rainy so rain gear is a must. Hunter must be prepared for moderate hiking in the dark with durable and comfortable hiking boots with a good flashlight and headlamp. Outfitter will provide lodging and meals and all field transportation for the hunt. Outfitter will help prep the skin and skull for export. Leopards are importable with CITES permit to the United States.
What Outfitter Provides
- Expert Guide Services
- Lodging & Bedding
- Taxidermy Prep
- Hounds
- Field Transportation
- Meals
What to Bring
- Durable & Comfortable hiking boots
- Rain Gear
- Headlamp
- Flashlight
- Legal Firearm with 40 rounds of ammunition
- Moderate to lightweight hunting clothing-layering system recommended
Recommended Items
- 20 Quart Badlands Cooler
- 45 Quart Badlands Cooler
- Mountain Extreme Men's
- RBO Precision Academy I - South Dakota
- What Outfitter Provides
- What to Bring